Journal of Applied Linguistics <p><strong>Journal of Applied Linguistics (JoAL)</strong> <strong> </strong> first launching is published in July 2021 by a professional organization, founded by <strong>English Lecturers and Teachers Association (ELTA)</strong> Medan- Indonesia</p> <p>ELTA has its own Mission : as Professional Organization of English Lecturers and Teachers who are highly dedicated, dignified and competent in carrying out teaching, research on Linguistics and community dedication which is implied and publish in IJAL and in Publication of Community Dedication Journal </p> <p><strong>Journal of Applied Linguistics Journal (JoAL) </strong>is a journal published twice a year ,publish in January, and July .This Journal<strong> </strong>is legally and formally is formed by the letter of the leader of ELTA Medan- Indonesia Decree no : 06-/Elta/2/VI/2021, dated at 21<sup>st</sup> June 2021. It presents articles on the study of English language Teaching , linguistics and Language Maintenance which are written by ELTAs member, ELTAs sympathizers and other researcher</p> <p> The principal aim of <strong>Journal of Applied Linguistics Journal (JOAL) </strong> is to help <strong>English Lecturers and Teachers </strong>to publish disseminate theory, research result of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, Language Maintenance , reviews by the academic community of ELTAs, reviews by other linguist in Indonesia , and to provide a channel for discussion. The views expressed here do not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. </p> <p> In Indonesia, English as a foreign language, so the journal of English is quite a few. Its overriding objective is to provide a forum for scholars and practitioners, <em>English Lecturers and Teachers</em> within any of the various subspecialties of the Applied Linguistic discipline to address a broad cross-section of the profession. Appropriates subject include : not limited to, the dissemination of well –conceived analysis, studies, about report of class action research, application of theories research reports, material development, book reviews , critical theory, rhetoric etc. An attempt is made to maintain a balance coverage of Applied Linguistics. The research of ELT is most welcome than any other as long as the topic is of general interest with in the profession . and Applied Linguistics.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> English Lecturers and Teachers Association (ELTA) en-US Journal of Applied Linguistics 2809-1914 The Analysis of Figurative Language in Two Divergent Movie Genres: Semantic Study <p>The purpose of this study was to identify the types and functions of figurative language in two divergent movie genres. The data is taken from utterances from actors or characters in a movie. The method of this study is qualitative research, and the research design is a case study. Observation and note-taking research are the techniques for collecting data for this research to understand utterances and classify types, meanings, and functions. The results of this study showed that the researcher found a total of 48 utterances in comedy movie genres and 9 (nine) types found in the movies, these types include Allegory (16.67%), metaphor (2.08%), metonymy (14.58%), Paradox (8.33%), personification (6.25%), Simile (16.67%), Symbol (6.25%), Synecdoche (6.25%) Hyperbole (22.92%). This research found a total of 26 utterances in horror movie genres and 8 (eight) types found in the movies, these types include Allegory (11.53%), metaphor (3.84), metonymy (19.23%), Simile (23.08%), Symbol (19.23%), Synecdoche (7.72%) Hyperbole (11.53%), Irony (3.84%). The second result identifies the function. The most dominant function found in comedy and horror movies is imaginative pleasure.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Figurative language, semantic, movie</strong></p> Rani Komalasari Marwito Wihadi Yayan Suryana Copyright (c) 2025 Rani Komalasari, Marwito Wihadi, Yayan Suryana 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 197 213 10.52622/joal.v4i2.310 Exploring Narrative Writing Skills of Indonesian 6th Graders: A Critical Genre Analysis <p>This qualitative study examines the narrative writing skills of four 6th-grade students in Indonesia by analyzing four narrative texts and conducting interviews with the students about their writing processes. Using Bhatia’s Critical Genre Analysis (CGA) framework, the research investigates the interaction between textual features, professional practices, and cultural influences in shaping their narratives. The analysis reveals that students primarily use simple sentence structures and face challenges with grammar, such as inconsistent tense usage and subject-verb agreement errors. Additionally, their narratives reflect cultural values like family and togetherness, highlighting the role of socio-cultural norms in shaping their storytelling. Despite these strengths, the limited linguistic complexity indicates a need for instructional strategies that focus on vocabulary expansion and the development of narrative techniques. The findings also emphasize the influence of teaching practices, as most narratives follow a linear structure aligned with classroom instruction. This study contributes to educational practices by offering insights into how language, culture, and pedagogy intersect in narrative writing. The results aim to guide educators and curriculum developers in improving narrative writing instruction, enhancing its alignment with students’ developmental and cultural contexts.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : <em>Critical Genre Analysis, Education, Linguistic Features, Narrative Text</em></strong></p> Fila Alfia Mutiara Alda Lekson Lidya Arella Chaterina Manalu Afrahul Fadhillah Parinduri T. Thyrhaya Zein Copyright (c) 2025 Fila Alfia, Mutiara Alda Lekson, Lidya Arella Chaterina Manalu, Afrahul Fadhillah Parinduri, T. Thyrhaya Zein 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 4 2 278 291 10.52622/joal.v4i2.350 The Effectiveness of Using Scaffolding Technique In Teaching Descriptive Text Writing to The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Onan Ganjang <p>This research was conducted in order to improve students’ writing descriptive text by using scaffolding technique to the eighth zgrade students of SMP Negeri 3 Onan Ganjang. In conducting this research, the writer used Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research showed that teaching writing through Scaffolding Technique to the eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Onan Ganjang could improve their writing descriptive text. The result of this research showed that the students’ responses after being taught by using Scaffolding Technique are very good. The result of the test showed that the students’ mean score of pre-tests is 46,87 with 4,16% students got score &gt;68, in formative test, the students’ mean score is 63,04 with 41,66% students got score &gt;68, and in post-test, the students’ mean score is 81,75 with 70,83% got score &gt;68. The research findingsscowed that using Scaffolding Technique could improve the students’ writing descriptive text. It is advisable that English teachers could apply Scaffolding Technique in order to improve their students’ writing.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Scaffolding Technique, Writing, Descriptive Text</strong></p> Lamtiar Simanullang Fiber Yun Almanda Ginting Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2024 Lamtiar Simanullang, Fiber Yun Almanda Ginting, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 1 11 10.52622/joal.v4i2.275 Excessive Adjectives Using the Multiple Affixations ma-hu in Toba Batak <p>This study aimed to investigate the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu </em>in Toba Batak. This study desired verbal data on the multiple affixationss as the primary data. Secondary data were also taken based on the writer’s knowledge because the writer is a TB native speaker. This study used a qualitative method. The results show that there are four alternating forms of the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu </em>attached to root adjectives, they are, (1) if the final sound of the root adjectives are [k], [n], or [ŋ], the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu </em>has the alternating form [ma-ku], (2) if the final sound of the root adjectives are [m] or [p], the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu </em>has the alternating form [ma-pu], (3) if the final sound of the root adjectives is [s], the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu </em>has the alternating form [ma-su], and (4) if the final sound of the root adjectives is [t], the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu </em>has the alternating form [ma-tu]. The variant form of the multiple affixations <em>ma-hu</em> is <em>pa-hu.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords : <em><strong>exce</strong>ssive adjectives; multiple affixations; grammatical functions</em></strong></p> Esron Ambarita Himpun Panggabean Dona Enjel Loina Pasaribu Copyright (c) 2025 Esron Ambarita, Himpun Panggabean, Dona Enjel Loina Pasaribu 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 109 122 10.52622/joal.v4i2.334 A Semiotic Analysis of Caricatures Depicting Israel – Palestine Conflict on Twiter <p>This study discussed Semiotic Analysis Of Caricatures Depicting The Israel-Palestine Conflict On Twitter. This study aimed to identify and analyze icons, indexes, and symbols and find the meaning of their interpretation contained in the caricature. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using the semiotic theory proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. In this study, the writer took 20 images via Twitter. Then, the writer described and analyzed the meaning of each sign in the conflict caricature using Pierce's triangle. In this study, the writer found a total of 164 signs in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict caricature on Twitter, consisting of 55 icon data, 50 index data, and 59 symbol data, which reflect the themes of military aggression, civilian suffering, and political influence. This study highlights the role of influential visual media in shaping public perception and political discourse. The findings indicate that symbol signs are the type of signs most often found by the writer in this study.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Semiotic Analysis;&nbsp;Charles Sanders Pierce theory; Twitter</strong></p> Johannes E Sidabutar Sondang Manik Ronny A Sembiring Copyright (c) 2024 Johannes E Sidabutar, Sondang Manik, Ronny A Sembiring 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 62 74 10.52622/joal.v4i2.304 Exploring Sarcasm In Different Movie Genres: A Case Study Of Horror And Comedy Movies <p>This study explored how sarcasm was used in two contrasting movie genres, horror, and comedy, to understand its role in shaping tone, storytelling, and audience engagement. Drawing on Camp’s theory, sarcasm is categorized into four types: propositional sarcasm, lexical, like-prefixed, and illocutionary sarcasm. The research uses a qualitative approach, analyzing selected films and their script to identify and classify 127 sarcastic utterances—66 in horror and 61 in comedy. The findings reveal that illocutionary sarcasm is the most common in horror (50.00%), complementing the genre’s subtle and dark undertones. In comedy, propositional sarcasm takes the lead (37.70%), reflecting its playful and straightforward humor. Like-prefixed sarcasm appears the least in both genres, with 4.55% in horror and 3.28% in comedy. These results highlight how sarcasm adapts to each genre’s narrative style and audience expectations. By shedding light on the contextual differences in sarcasm’s use, this study offers valuable insights into genre-specific communication and helps deepen our understanding of sarcasm as a powerful linguistic tool in both entertainment and education.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Sarcasm; Pragmatic; Movies; Camp’s theory</strong></p> Argatha Samuel Riandika Arsen Nahum Pasaribu Rony Arahta Sembiring Copyright (c) 2024 Argatha Samuel Riandika, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu, Ronny Arahta Sembiring 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 159 166 10.52622/joal.v4i2.346 Measuring The First-Year Students’ Ability of English Study Program on English Grammar in Academic Year 2023/2024 <p>This study investigated the grammar proficiency of first-year students enrolled in the English Study Program during the 2023/2024 academic year. A quantitative descriptive approach with a post-test-only design was employed, involving 22 participants. Data were collected through a standardized 30-item multiple-choice test that assessed 17 key grammar topics, including tenses, passive voice, conditionals, and relative pronouns. The results indicated that students achieved a mean score of 45.14, categorized as "poor" according to the university's academic guidebook. None of the participants reached the "good" category threshold of 71, with scores ranging from 20 to 69. Topic-specific analysis revealed inconsistencies in performance, with only six test items correctly answered by 72% of students. The most challenging topics identified were causative verbs, conditionals, and gerunds, which require higher-order thinking skills, such as understanding sentence structure and contextual usage. Further analysis showed that students from state schools outperformed their peers from private schools, with mean scores of 52.8 and 38.75, respectively, although neither group met the threshold for "good" proficiency. These findings suggest significant gaps in students’ grammar knowledge, particularly in complex topics, and raise concerns about the effectiveness of current teaching methods.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : <em><strong>Eng</strong>lish grammar; proficiency; teaching strategies</em></strong></p> Viator Lumban Raja Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan Lisna Naibaho Copyright (c) 2024 Viator Lumban Raja, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan, Lisna Naibaho 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 226 230 10.52622/joal.v4i2.324 Analysis of Code Mixing on the Youtube Channels of Viral Z-Generation Indonesian Youtubers <p>This study aimed to identify the types and functions of code mixing found in Shasa Zania and Kiara Leswara on their YouTube channels. The methodology that is used in this study is a qualitative research method, and the research design is the case study. The result of this study showed that there are 3 types of code mixing namely insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. Starting from Insertion 56,25%, alternation 26,04%, and finally congruent lexicalization 17,71% the total is 100%. Moreover, the research also showed that 5 functions of code mixing were found in the videos such as talking about a particular topic, the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, interjection, being empathetic about something, and repetition used for clarification. Starting from talking about a particular topic 34,5%, the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor 29,6%, interjection 17.3%, being empathetic about something 9.9%, repetition used for clarification 8.7%.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : S<em>ociolinguistics: Code Mixing, Youtube</em></strong></p> Arline Camelia Najuar Wulan Rahmatunisa Marwito Wihadi Copyright (c) 2025 Arline Camelia Najuar, Wulan Rahmatunisa, Marwito Wihadi 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 177 187 10.52622/joal.v4i2.300 FTA Strategy of Gaga Muhammad Post-Scandal: Image Recovery on Grace Tahir’s Podcast <p>This research explored the politeness strategies employed by Indonesian YouTube vloggers in response videos, focusing on a podcast discussion between Gaga Muhammad and Grace Thahir. Using a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach, this study examines the interpersonal dynamics and the impact of face-threatening acts (FTAs) on public perception. Data were collected from a podcast episode of <em>Voices of Change</em>, where the two speakers discussed pressing social issues, community engagement, and mental health while also delving into Gaga's personal controversies, including his involvement in a fatal car accident. The analysis employed Brown and Levinson's politeness theory to identify strategies such as paying attention to the interlocutor's needs, exaggerating sympathy, avoiding conflict, and looking for consensus. Findings reveal that while Gaga uses politeness strategies to justify his actions and rebuild his public image, Grace frequently challenges his narrative through FTAs, targeting both his positive and negative face. For example, Grace confronts Gaga’s attempts at self-justification with direct critiques, often heightening the conversational tension. The podcast reflects societal expectations of public figures embroiled in scandals to exhibit remorse and take accountability. Despite efforts to apply positive politeness strategies, such as showing interest and declaring common ground, the discourse often shifts towards defensiveness, limiting its effectiveness in fostering mutual understanding. This study highlights the challenges of navigating public apologies and societal expectations, offering insights into the role of politeness in mitigating conflict and enhancing public discourse in social media interactions. </p> <p>Keywords : <strong>politeness strategies; face-threatening acts; YouTube vloggers; public discourse</strong></p> <p> </p> Aisya Naifa Naila Arina Putri Maryam Ulfa Amanda Fransisca Rahmadsyah Rangkuti Irwan Copyright (c) 2024 Aisya Naifa Naila, Arina, Maryam, Amanda, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 144 158 10.52622/joal.v4i2.340 The Stages Of Culture Shock: The Experience Of First Time Living In Netherlands By Indonesian Students Of Maastricht University <p>Culture shock is the part of a cross-cultural understanding issue. It relates with the experiences during the phases of the newcomer to the host culture. The four phases of phases are used to know the process of adaptation. This article uses the four distinct phases: honeymoon, frustration, adjustment, and acceptance of culture shock by Sverre Lysgaard. It is used the qualitative descriptive method to describe the experiences of the subjects in each phase. Two Indonesian students have received the OTS scholarship (Orange Tulip Scholarship) to take one-year study for a master degree in Maastricht University Netherland started from December 2023 until August 2024 become informants. The result showed that they encountered positive aspects in honeymoon phase by exploring the places, food, the architecture and the admiration of the local mindset, the frustration phase showed that they had some challenges in unpredictable weather, less variation food, the high cost of living, the language and the education system. The self-awareness has finally helped them to survive and accept the culture. The help of local and Indonesian friends who live in the Netherlands are also the main support system in adjusting the process.</p> <p><strong> Keywords : Cross-Culture, Culture Shock, phases.</strong></p> Kristina Laora Riski Amrina Sari Lini Fitri Nurul Hidayati Copyright (c) 2025 Riski, Riski Amrina Sari, Lini Fitri, Nurul Hidayati 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 133 143 10.52622/joal.v4i2.320 Transitivity Analysis of Presidents' Speech on Economy <p>The purpose of this study was to identify the types of transitivity process found in Jokowi and Joe Biden's Speech on economy and to identify the similarities and differences in transitivity processes, used by the two presidents. The methodology that was used in this study was qualitative research method, and the research design is case study. The instrument was the researcher. This study found 67 major clauses in Jokowi's speech and 244 major clauses in Joe Biden's speech. Then the clauses were identified into six transitivity processes, in Jokowi's speech only 5 of the 6 transitivity processes were found, there’s no behavioral process in it. Meanwhile, in Joe Biden's speech all of the process types were found. The similarities were the dominant process which was material process and existential processes as the least process. The differences were there’s no behavioral process in Jokowi’s speech and huge gap of the using of mental process. The result can be interpreted that the goal of politics is to gain authority to implement certain political, economic, and social concepts. Here, language plays a major role in how each politician uses language to advance their political agenda through speech.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : <em>SFL, Transitivity, Speech Analysis.</em></strong></p> Hifni Hillah Hanafiyah Marwito Wihadi Nida Amalia Asikin Copyright (c) 2025 Hifni Hillah Hanafiyah, Marwito Wihadi, Nida Amalia Asikin 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 29 35 10.52622/joal.v4i2.282 A Corpus Stylistic Analysis of The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe <p>This paper explores how Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" creates an atmosphere of psychological tension and guilt through language. Using linguistic analysis tools, the study investigated how the text's language reflected the narrator's psychological state, contributing to themes of tension and madness. Two key questions guide the analysis: how Poe's language establishes tension and guilt and how his linguistic choices portray the narrator's descent into madness. By examining word patterns, relationships between words, and word usage frequencies, the study highlights how specific language features contributed to the story's psychological and thematic depth. This research demonstrated the value of linguistic analysis in understanding both the poetics and psychological aspects of literary texts.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Corpus Stylistics; Gothic Literature; detective story, Psychological Tension; Madness</strong></p> Wasif Hussain Copyright (c) 2025 Wasif Hussain 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 242 256 10.52622/joal.v4i2.337 An Analysis Metaphors Dizzy Up the Girl Song Album by The Goo Goo Dolls <p>This research discussed “An Analysis of Metaphors in ‘Dizzy Up the Girl’<br />Song Album by The Goo Goo Dolls”. This study aimed to focus on the types<br />of metaphors contained in the lyrics of the songs on the Dizzy Up the Girl<br />album. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The technique used<br />in this data collection is looking at each lyric from May to June 2024 and<br />recording the lyrics, each of which contains three types of metaphors, namely<br />structural, orientational, and ontological. This data is based on Lakoff and<br />Johnson's theory. In addition, the data source used is the Spotify music<br />application. The results of this study found 44 data. Researchers found 20 song<br />lyrics containing ontological type, 15 song lyrics containing structural, and 2<br />song lyrics containing orientational. Based on the data found, the most widely<br />used type of metaphor is the ontological type.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Linguistic; Metaphor; Song</strong></p> Martiyas Pertiwi Hanafi Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 Martiyas Pertiwi, Hanafi Wibowo 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 98 108 10.52622/joal.v4i2.314 Enhancing Speaking Skills By Using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Technique to Eighth Grade Student of SMP Swasta Budi Murni 2 Medan <p>This research was conducted to find out how Focus Group Discussion can improve the speaking ability of class VIII students with the research subjects as many as 60 students at SMP Budi Murni 2 Medan. This research was conducted using quasi-experimental method to compare the speaking ability of experimental class and control class using traditional method. The data was sourced from 30 eighth grade students, both from pre test, post test and questionnaire. The results showed a high appreciation of the improvement from before and after the application there was an increase in learning scores obtained by students. Before the implementation of FGD in the learning process students obtained an average score of 49.83. While after the implementation of FGDs students obtained an average score of 90.00. This shows that the implementation of FGDs is considered very appropriate for the English language learning process in class VIII students of SMP Swasta Budi Murni 2 Medan.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Focus Group Discussion, Speaking Skills</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Mikhaela sitohang Karisma Erikson Tarigan Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2024 Mikhaela sitohang, Karisma Erikson Tarigan, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 11 18 10.52622/joal.v4i2.278 Analyzing Students’ Challenges in Acquiring English as Second Language: A Case Study of English Education Students <p>English is a highly essential skill for communication in the era of globalization. However, English as a foreign language in Indonesia makes it challenging for students to understand. This difficulty is particularly evident among students in English Education Department at one private university in Medan. This study aimed&nbsp;to analyze the multifaceted challenges faced by students of English Education Department in acquiring English as a second language. This study employed descriptive qualitative method&nbsp;and case study as research design. 44 students of English Education Department were taken as the sample. The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaire and interview. The results showed that there are some challenges faced by the students which are categorized into two: linguistic challenges and non-linguistic challenges. &nbsp;In linguistic challenges, there are four types of challenges: grammar, vocabulary, speaking/pronunciation, linguistic differences. For non-linguistic challenges, the challenges are lack of practice, lack of confidence/language anxiety, environment factor, learning process/learning method and lack of motivation. To overcome the challenges, some strategies are proposed for both categories of challenges. For overcoming the linguistic challenges, the strategies that can be used are: a) using assistive technology, b) note-taking and repetition, and c) looking up words or phrases in a dictionary. For non-linguistic challenges, the strategies are: a) create daily opportunities for practicing English, b) establish a supportive environment, c) build your confidence through regular practice and seek constructive feedback, d) adopt more effective learning strategies, and e) discover personal reasons for learning English to boost your motivation.</p> Junita Siahaan Maryanti Lucciana Sitorus Copyright (c) 2024 Junita Siahaan, Maryanti Lucciana Sitorus 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 214 225 10.52622/joal.v4i2.335 Transitivity Analysis in Allende's 'And of Clay Are We Created': Language, Emotion, and Social Commentary <p>This study investigates the transitivity processes in Isabel Allende's short story “And of Clay Are We Created,” employing Halliday's systemic-functional theory, particularly focusing on the ideational metafunction. This framework enables an exploration of how language reflects experiences and ideologies within the short story. By scrutinizing transitivity, the analysis reveals Allende's expression of emotional depth and societal critique, shedding light on her characters' motivations and perspectives. Utilizing qualitative content analysis, the research aims to uncover the nuanced interplay between language and meaning in the text, highlighting how Allende's narrative fosters a critical understanding of societal issues. The findings are anticipated to enhance the discourse surrounding the intricate relationship between language, narrative identity, and social commentary in contemporary literature, illustrating how linguistic choices resonate within broader ideological contexts. Ultimately, this study contributes to an enriched appreciation of Allende's literary artistry and its socio-cultural implications.</p> Roseline Jesudas Copyright (c) 2024 Roseline Jesudas 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 75 89 10.52622/joal.v4i2.307 Exploring Slang Language in Different Songs Between Pop and Country Genres <p>This study examined slang in pop and country song lyrics from a sociolinguistic perspective, focusing on the types of slang and identifying the most dominant types in each genre. Song lyrics were obtained from internet transcripts, and a descriptive qualitative method was employed, based on the theory of Allan and Burridge (2006), which categorizes slang into five types, namely fresh and creative, flippant, imitative, acronym, and clipping. 341 slang words were identified, with 248 from the pop genre and 93 from the country genre. Clipping emerged as the most dominant type in both genres, accounting for 44.76% of slang in pop and 73.12% in country music. Other types followed in varying proportions: imitative (28.23% in pop, 9.68% in-country), flippant (15.74% in pop, 12.90% in-country), fresh and creative (10.08% in pop, 4.30% in-country), and acronym (1.21% in pop, and there is no single type of slang acronym in the country 0%). The findings indicate that slang usage is more prevalent in pop music, reflecting its tendency to use concise and accessible language to engage listeners.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Sociolinguistic, Slang, Song Lyrics, Pop and Country Genres</strong></p> Keren Febrian Mendrofa Arsen Nahum Pasaribu Rony Arahta Sembiring Copyright (c) 2025 Keren Febrian Mendrofa Keren, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu, Ronny Arahta Sembiring 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 167 176 10.52622/joal.v4i2.347 Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Dabble Game At The Eleventh Grade of MAS AL-Washliyah 22 Tembung <p>This study aimed to improve students’ vocabulary mastery through the use of the "dabble" game. It was conducted using a classroom action research method, which was carried out in two cycles. Cycle I involved three meetings, while Cycle II also had three meetings. The research was conducted with the students of class XI-B at Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Al-Washliyah 22 Tembung, which had 36 students in total. Data collection involved both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative data consisted of the students' scores, while the qualitative data was collected through observation sheets and diary notes. The results showed that students' vocabulary scores improved with each test. For example, the mean score in the initial "Orientation" test was 50.66, but by the first test in Cycle I, the mean score increased to 70.33. By the end of Cycle II, in the final test (Test II), the mean score rose further to 86.08, demonstrating steady progress. Additionally, based on the observation sheets and diary notes, it was found that the teaching-learning process proceeded smoothly, with no significant disruptions. This indicates that the implementation of the dabble game in the classroom contributed positively to enhancing the students' English vocabulary mastery, suggesting that game-based learning can be an effective strategy for improving language skills.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Enhancing, Vocabulary Mastery, Dabble Game</strong></p> Aisyah Lubis Tri Widya Sandika Copyright (c) 2025 Aisyah Lubis, Tri Widya Sandika 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 90 97 10.52622/joal.v4i2.332 Exploring Figurative Language used in One ok Rock song’s lyrics <p>The aims of the study is&nbsp; to find out the kinds of figurative language used by the <em>One Ok Rock</em> in their 10 songs. The source of this research data is taken from the <em>One ok Rock</em> album You-tube channel and this research only focuses on Figurative Language used by the <strong><em>One ok Rock</em></strong>. The writer uses a qualitative descriptive method to explain meaning of&nbsp; figurative language by using the theory Kennedy &amp; Gioia (2000) the result of this research were the discovery of 3 types of language styles according the theory of Kennedy &amp; Gioia&nbsp; (2000), comparative figurative language, contradictive figurative language, and correlative figurative language. From the writer research it is known that the types of figurative language writer found 93 figurative language used in <em>One ok Rock</em> in the 10 songs, namely personification 37%, simile 5%, metaphor 35%, hyperbole 11%, paradox 1%, irony 1%, symbolism 4%, allusion 1%, ellipsis 1%. , it means that personification and metaphor is the biggest number used in those albums, as a song that telling massage in figurative language&nbsp; : using personification and metaphor saying a comparative in figurative language ,while in contradictive figurative language&nbsp; writer found&nbsp; 11 % The metaphorical concept contained in this sentence can be interpreted as being too negative emotionally, such as "till the dark", this can be interpreted as something very negative and can make someone fall into a slump. &nbsp;Hyperbole is a bold, deliberate overstatement not intended to be taken literally. It is used as a means of emphasizing the &nbsp;desctruth of statement. Hyperbole is exaggerating, often in a humorous way and making a particular point. The sentence “over to you” indicates a quick movement or action, perhaps implying a strong desire or urgency “gunning for time” this phrase suggests a relentless pursuit of time that makes an exaggerated sense of emphasizing the importance of speed and efficiency.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:&nbsp; Comparative; contradictive ; collaborative Figurative Language; Song Lyric</strong></p> Trisnawati Turnip Sondang Manik Jubil Ezer Sihete Copyright (c) 2024 Trisnawati Turnip, Sondang Manik, Jubil Ezer Sihete 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 49 61 10.52622/joal.v4i2.302 Erotetic Language Style of Sūnwùkōng in the Drama Series Xīyóujì by Zhāngjìzhōng <p>Humans need language as a communication tool to send messages directly or indirectly. One way to communicate through indirect messages is by literature arts, such as drama series that can strengthen the impression of conveying the meaning of utterance. In this research, the use of erotetic language style by Sūnwùkōng in the drama series xīyóujì. This research aims to describe the forms and functions of erotetic language style by Sūnwùkōng. The erotetic language style is commonly used in speech or poetry, but in this drama series, Sūnwùkōng uses this style extensively in his utterance, therefore, this type of research is qualitative research because the data is based on the form of utterance of Sūnwùkōng, therefore the method used is a descriptive method. From the results of the analysis, 40 data were obtained with five kinds of stylistic markers of erotetic, including 5 data markers 难道 <em>nándào</em>; 12 marker data 怎么 <em>zěnme</em>; 4 marker data 这么 <em>zhème</em>; 8 marker data 呢 <em>ne</em>; and 11 吗 <em>ma</em> marker data. The function of erotetic language style expressed is as a form of emphasis on something, specifically angry, accusation, rejection, joy, surprise, amazed, and underestimate.</p> <p>Keywords : <strong><em>erotetic; language style; drama series; </em></strong><strong><em>Sūn Wùkōng</em></strong></p> Cicik Arista Subandi Subandi Mintowati Mintowati Yifan Hu Copyright (c) 2025 Cicik Arista, Subandi Subandi, Mintowati Mintowati, Yifan Hu 2025-01-04 2025-01-04 4 2 261 277 10.52622/joal.v4i2.344 Embodying Emotion: Ontological Metaphors in Frances Hodgson Burnett`s Novel: The Secret Garden <p>This research examined how to analyze metaphors in the novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Using Lakoff and Johnson's conceptual metaphor theory, the study examined 50 metaphors to explain how nature-based imagery converts abstract emotional notions into real sensations. The findings showed that ontological metaphors, which account for 60% of the investigated data, successfully represent emotions like hope, despair, and joy. Structural and orientational metaphors help to depict personal growth and cognitive-emotional interaction. This study emphasized the instructional usefulness of metaphors in children's reading, indicating their ability to improve emotional literacy and cognitive understanding. By bridging the gap between natural imagery and abstract emotional states, The Secret Garden is an effective narrative tool for readers to develop emotional resilience and personal growth.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Metaphor; Novels; The Secret Garden</strong></p> Siti Nurhaliza Hanafi Wibowo Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Nurhaliza, Hanafi Wibowo 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 231 241 10.52622/joal.v4i2.322 Increasing the Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement Through Retelling Stories Technique at the Eighth-Grade Students <p>This research was conducted to increase reading comprehension through the retelling stories technique among the eighth-grade students’ of SMP Swasta Primbana. In conducting research this research, the writer used Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research showed that teaching reading through retelling stories to the eighth-grade students’ of SMP Swasta Primbana could improve their reading. The result of the research showed that the students’ responses after being taught by using the retelling stories technique were good. The result of the test showed that the students’ mean score on the pre-test was 58,75, on the formative test the students’ mean score was 68,03, and on the post-test, the student's mean score was 81,42. The research, findings showed that using retelling stories techniques could improve reading comprehension achievement. It is advisable that English teachers apply Retelling Stories Technique in order to improve reading comprehension.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Retelling Stories, Reading, Descriptive Test</strong></p> Yaniria Gulo Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan Karisma Erikson Tarigan Copyright (c) 2025 Yaniria Gulo, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan, Karisma Erikson Tarigan 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 36 48 10.52622/joal.v4i2.287 An Acoustic Analysis of consonants of Khattak Dialect of Pashto <p>Pashto, an ancient language written in Perso-Arabic script, is predominantly spoken in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province and Afghanistan. Despite its wide usage, more research is needed on the consonantal sounds of the Khattak dialect. This study aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed acoustic analysis of the Khattak dialect's consonants. An inventory of 28 consonant phonemes was developed using the standard Pashto IPA chart and the Yusufzai dialect chart. Minimal pairs were created and recorded using an Android phone and an iPhone, involving two native speakers, one male and one female, both BS students. The recordings were converted into .wav files, and acoustic analysis was performed using PRAAT software, focusing on formants and waveforms. The findings offer comprehensive insights into the phonetic characteristics of the Khattak dialect, contributing to a broader understanding of Pashto phonology and addressing a significant gap in the literature on Pashto dialectology. This research not only provides a foundational inventory for future studies but also enhances the comparative linguistic analysis of Pashto dialects. It underscores the unique phonetic features of the Khattak dialect, facilitating its preservation and further linguistic exploration. The study's methodology, involving high-quality recordings and native speakers, ensures the reliability and authenticity of the data, providing a valuable reference for linguistic research and applications in speech technology.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : <em>Acoustic; Khattak; dialect; Pushto; consonant</em></strong></p> Javeria Rehmat Copyright (c) 2025 javeria rehmat 2025-01-04 2025-01-04 4 2 243 260 10.52622/joal.v4i2.339 A Narrative Inquiry of Students Translation Specialization Class’ Emotion in Translating Text <p>This research studied about emotions that experienced by students of translation specialization class. The objective of this research was to explore the feeling and emotions of the students when they were translating text from their client. Researcher used narrative inquiry as the methodology in this research. Participants were students of English Language Education who were still receiving the project of translating text. The researcher used Emotional Geographies theory by Hargreaves (2001) to analyze the emotions of the participants. There were five points of emotional geographies proposed by Hargreaves: physical geography, moral geography, sociocultural geography, professional geography, political geography. The technique of collecting data from this research were observation and interview. The data were taken from participants’ utterances that transcribed by researcher. Researcher used Barkhuizen’s trustworthiness to reach validation of the data and minimize the bias by crosschecking data. Research findings showed that almost all participants felt the three themes of comfortable, neutral, and uncomfortable when they became students of translation specialization class. In this research, participants really felt the impact of activity restrictions. This affected their emotions when translating the text, they cannot meet directly with partner in translation agency or clients. Online communication caused some miscommunication, this can be resolved by several participants. However, this actually causes concern for other participants.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Narrative inquiry</strong><strong>; </strong><strong>translation specialization class</strong><strong>; </strong><strong>emotional geography</strong><strong>. </strong></p> Weningtyas Dwi Astuti Giyoto Copyright (c) 2024 Diyah Murti Hastuti, Wening Tyas Dwi Astuti 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 188 196 10.52622/joal.v4i2.315 The Ability of The Seventh Grade Students of SMP Budi Murni 2 on Using Present and Past Tenses <p>Tense is a verb form to show an action within a certain time. Grammar is the rules in a language for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences to create meaning. To make a good composition, the students must be able to master and apply the grammar correctly, especially aboit tenses used. This research is focused on the ability students on the using simple present and simple past tenses. The purpose of this study is to find out and to know the ability the students. In this study, the writer took the seventh grade students of SMP Budi Murni 2, consisting 60 students as the sample. The data were analyzed with quantitative method. The result of the data shown that the seventh grade students are not yet able to use simple present and simple past because their average score is only 56.08 whereas the minimum requirement completion is 75. In other words, they are still far from the target score. Based on the result of the research is suggested that the student must study hard. And the teacher should give home assignment for the students.</p> Yesmaria Kembar Dabukke Viator Lumban Raja Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2025 Yesmaria Kembar Dabukke, Viator Lumban Raja, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 19 28 10.52622/joal.v4i2.281 Satirical Analysis of Political Commentary in Kaesang Pangarep’s Podcast <p>The rapid development of digital communication has transformed political discourse, with platforms like YouTube becoming significant arenas for satirical commentary. This study focuses on analyzing the use of satire in Kaesang Pangarep’s podcast episode <em>Inilah Kelebihan Pelawak Kalau Masuk Politik</em>, which garnered over 5.1 million views. The research investigates how satire is categorized based on Holbert’s framework and explores the political and social issues critiqued through satirical elements. Holbert’s framework classifies satire into three types: Horatian (light and humorous critique), Juvenalian (sharp and scathing criticism), and Menippean (broad, philosophical critique of societal attitudes). Employing qualitative content analysis, this study transcribes the podcast to identify and analyze satirical elements, focusing on both explicit statements and underlying cultural nuances. The findings indicate that Horatian satire humorously critiques political party-switching, Juvenalian satire sharply condemns political monetization, and Menippean satire examines societal attitudes toward celebrity involvement in politics. These satirical critiques serve three primary functions: exposing political opportunism, highlighting social inequalities, and engaging audiences through humor while fostering political awareness. The study concludes that satire in digital platforms like YouTube bridges entertainment and political critique, encouraging public reflection on socio-political issues in Indonesia. The high viewership of the podcast emphasizes the effectiveness of digital satire in engaging audiences and reshaping political discourse. Future research could explore the influence of such content on public perception and voter behavior, particularly in the evolving landscape of digital media.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : Political commentary; Political discourse; Satirical language; Social hierarchies</strong></p> Mutiara Alda Lekson Fila Alfia Arella Chaterina Manalu Afrahul Fadhillah Parinduri Nico Sahpudan Simorangkir Dian Marisha Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Mutiara Alda Lekson, Fila Alfia, Arella Chaterina Manalu, Afrahul Fadhillah Parinduri, Nico Sahpudan Simorangkir, Dian Marisha Putri 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 4 2 123 132 10.52622/joal.v4i2.336